Day 149 – Dominos Mobile App Redesign Concept
Day 149: Redesign Tuesday
Brief: To redesign the popular Dominos Mobile app.
For Redesign Tuesdays, I usually would incline to redesign interfaces that I have been using regularly.
Dominos is a well-known brand all over the world. Despite them being such a huge company, they give very little focus to design. Both in their mobile app and their website.
Here’s a rough concept that I came up with for the Dominos mobile app.
I’ve given the existing screens on the side for quick reference. Also, do note that I’ve made key changes to the app, in terms of navigation and the add to cart modals.
What are your thoughts on this one?
Design Duration: 2 Hours
Typefaces used: Poppins
Images: Dominos Website
Dribbble: Link