Day 161 – Travelistory – Travel Memories App
Day 161: Super Sunday
Brief: To design a mobile app that can save your travel memories with photos, location info, and friends.
Here’s an app that would let you save all your wonderful travel memories in a beautiful form, all in few easy steps.
Travelling is one of the best things you can do. Memories last a lifetime, your money doesn’t. Cherish those memories with an app like this, a digital alternative to our good old albums. This can not only store your photos but can do a lot more!
This app can store your location timeline history, photos from Google Photos, add your friends/contacts to a trip, relish memories every year, your own world map view & much more!
What do you think of an app like this?
Design Duration: 3 Hours
Typefaces used: Open Sans
Images: Unsplash
Dribbble: Link