Day 07 – 365Movies App
Day 07: Super Sundays
Brief: To design a hassle-free movie watching experience for mobile.
Day 07, It’s Super Sunday! While setting up the themes for every day, I had this idea of utilizing the wonderful weekend hours and come up with something beautiful. Hence, I settled on designing at least 4 functional screens for any mobile application every Sunday!
To start things off with a bang, I’ve worked on a movie watching platform for mobile. This is something that I’m familiar with, I’ve been working on a similar platform full-time for the last 6 months. So I already had the design language in my mind and the approach was yet again, simple & functional.
The typeface of choice was Nunito, primarily because of its playful characteristics. The color palette, an inspiration from Netflix & YouTube. The main motive of the app was to make movie watching experience a hassle-free one. I hope that has been achieved in this design.
Design Duration: 3 Hours
Typefaces used: Nunito
Images: Copyright to respective Movies
Dribbble: Link
365Movies – Movie Watching Experience on Mobile: